Thinking back to the point when I started thinking about making hijrah isn't easy. I guess the furthest back that I can think of, had to be when I got out of the army. I was enlisted for 5 1/2 years and actually accepted Islam in the military. When I was "processing out" I started looking at jobs in Saudi Arabia, don't know why exactly. It wasn't like Hijrah was a topic being discussed back then, but I had heard of military members who had "got out" and stayed over there so I guess you could say I was curious.
Then a few years (about 6) later a girlfriend of mine was preparing to go to Egypt to study. A few other sisters had went the year before, so there was a buzz through the masjid about it. It just so happened that my girlfriend's husband had been speaking with mine about going along with them. We started crunching out the numbers and the money it would take seemed impossible. This is the first, no-no of Hijrah planning; worrying about money and adding up how much money you will need. It can make you feel extremely disappointed and like Hijrah is a far-away dream. Stop it. The only numbers you need initially are how much for the passports. That's step one. Take all the other steps one at a time. If you look at a buffet, you would collapse at the thought of having to eat all of that food. But start with the salad and make your way to the main course, step by step.
My husband got his passport first and we started thinking about the possibilities. We started thinking of locations and purifying our intentions. This is another important point. Make sure you are going for the right reasons. Hopefully, your intent is to fulfill an obligation to Allah, as this is an obligatory act for those who can find a way. To better practice and learn about your religion. If your reasons don't go along these lines you will have a hard time.
So this is where we started. The thought and desire came first. Then the passports. After my dh got his, he applied for the rest of us. The next year we were on our way by the grace of Allah.
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